
Robots vs Our Future! Jobs? Life Quality? Threat To Human Race?

robots hand shake

Hello everyone, today we will talk about robots. Is there a future for them? Are they replacing humans in some way? Are robots a threat to us? There are many questions on your mind. We’ll discuss the robot’s benefits and drawbacks today.

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Table of Contents

Types of robots

Basically, there are two types of it. One of them is programmable. The second type of robot is mechanical and based on artificial intelligence.

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Programmable robot

The chatbot is the biggest example of a programmable robot. We program the bots to work for us. There are some more uses of bots such as increase YouTube views, subscribers, likes, and Instagram followers.

Mechanical Robots

Generally, humans use these robots in large industries, such as carmakers and so on. Car manufacturing is totally dependent on robots. Some Hospitals also uses these for surgeries, operations, etc. In addition, most smartphones manufacturers uses these bots for manufaturing their smartphones.

Indian government’s fastag system for tolls is a mechanical robot system. One of its arms has a scanner over it that scans the chip in our windscreen. This validates the process and lifts up the second arm so that we can pass the toll.

In addition to mechanical robots, drones also fall into this category. Today, we use drones in various ways, from video recording to packaging delivery such as Amazon Prime Air Delivery.

The biggest question is what about the jobs of humans! Could robots replace their jobs and do their work?

If a robot replaces a human, there are 10 more vacancies for humans. In other words, either robot works on the front end, but the human should work on the back end.

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To make robots, for instance, we need manufacturing lines, assembly lines, and programmers who will code the robot’s software. 

One of the biggest advantages of robots is that they make human life much easier and comfortable. Robots do not need rest and can work 24 hours a day. This will increase capacity for doing work. As a result, the work is also of good quality and takes less time to complete. 

Robotic Teachers

Imagine if we program robots as teachers and sent them into classrooms. This will be a better option since the knowledge it has updates every 10 to 30 seconds. Its information is based on the information available over the Internet.

Robotic Securities

If you know a robot is working as a security guard in Silicon Valley. What will happen if robots were put at the borders of a country in order to decrease the mortality rate? 

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There are many things that we can do with robots that will make us a lot of profits.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using a robot. Imagine if their programing gets corrupt or damage then they affect human life.

How does artificial intelligence affect humans? Human beings are increasingly at risk from their development.

We are living in an era in which robots implant chips inside humans. This is exactly what Elon Musk’s Newra Link does. The same is also true for Elon Musk, who fears what robots will do in the future? A  small error in their programming will lead to a huge threat to human life.

Risk to jobs of human beings!

Accordingly, we believe jobs will definitely decrease on the front end, but also generate more jobs on the back end. 

Last but not least, robots do have a future. We don’t know how long we will have to wait to see them everywhere in the future? Seeing them everywhere will be much more interesting.

What do you think about it? Comment below and let us know what you think. We hope you enjoyed the blog and if you would like to read more visit our website. Subscribe to the Sarcastic Sindhi  YouTube channel.

We’ll meet in the next blog. Until then, stay safe, stay sarcastic.

Written by sarcasticsindhi

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